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Angela Jermakova

Mindfulness Coach

At Angemelica, we believe in the power of mindfulness. My journey began when we discovered the energy, aura, and soul of stones and their ability to help us with their presence. I started creating jewelry to share this experience with the world. Our mission is to help you direct your thoughts, be resourceful and live your best version of life because life is the most important gift. Let us guide you on your journey to mindfulness.

Our Services

Mindfulness Coaching, Meditation, Breathing Techniques & Mindful Jewelry.

At Angemelica, we offer a range of services that will help you to connect with your inner self and achieve a state of mindfulness. Our services include mindfulness coaching, meditation, breathing techniques, and mindful jewelry. Our jewelry is specially crafted to help you connect with the energy of stones and achieve a state of mindfulness. Let us help you on your journey to mindfulness.


Contact Us

If you have any queries or would like to know more about our services, please feel free to contact us. We would be happy to help you on your journey to mindfulness.

1234 Mindfulness Street Anytown, USA 12345

Tel: 555-555-5555

Thank You!

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